Tags: curtsy lunge , single leg deadlift into curtsy lunge , side lunge to curtsy , curtsy lunge overhead , curtsy lunge eccentric , modified curtsy lunge , curtsy -squat -lunge -markle , kettlebell curtsy lunge , high kneew with elevated curtsy lunge , curtsy lunge with side kick , curtsy lunge muscles worked , curtsy lunge exercise , trx curtsy lunge , how to do a curtsy lunge , pivoting curtsy lunge , dumbbell curtsy lunge , curtsy lunge muscles , what is a curtsy lunge
'What Is a Curtsy Lunge The Curtsy Lunge is a variation of the conventional lunge where you perform a ‘curtsy’ during the lunge. What makes the Curtsy Lunge different than the conventional lunge is that it targets the Glute Medius more than the Gluteus Maximus. The Curtsy Lunge also helps to build more strength in the glute, targets the inner thigh, as well as increases stability. More In-Depth Article about the Curtsy Lunge: https://www.yourhousefitness.com/blog/exercise-tutorial-curtsy-lunge Website: https://www.yourhousefitness.com Instagram: http://instagram.com/yourhousefitness Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/yourhousefitness Twitter: https://twitter.com/yourhousefit #CurtsyLunge #CurtsyLunges'
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